
The specifics of the library.


Functions that use Widgets within a stage.get visual and respond with the formated result, before returning it upon submission.

survey.routines.input(*args, reply=<function _input_reply>, **kwargs)

Use an Input widget.

All widget and start() arguments are valid.

🎨 Theme with 'routines.input'

value = survey.routines.input('ping? ')
print(f'Answered {value}.')
limit = 50
def info(widget, name, info):
    result = widget.resolve().rstrip('\n')
    remain = limit - len(result)
    if remain < 0:
        raise survey.widgets.Abort('no characters left')
    return str(remain)
value = survey.routines.input('Limited Message: ', multi = True, info = info)
print(f'Answered with {len(value)} characters.')
survey.routines.conceal(*args, reply=<function _conceal_reply>, **kwargs)

Use an Conceal widget.

All widget and start() arguments are valid.

🎨 Theme with 'routines.conceal'

value = survey.routines.conceal('Password: ')
print(f'Answered {value}.')
survey.routines.numeric(*args, reply=<function _numeric_reply>, **kwargs)

Use an Count widget.

All widget and start() arguments are valid.

🎨 Theme with 'routines.numeric'

value = survey.routines.numeric('Price: ')
print(f'Answered {value}.')
value = survey.routines.numeric('Age: ', decimal = False)
print(f'Answered {value}.')
survey.routines.inquire(*args, default_color=<fg:cyan>, reply=<function _inquire_reply>, **kwargs)

Use an Inquire widget.

  • options – The keys are used as widgets.Inquire.options. The resolving key’s value is returned.

  • default_color – Used in the default hint for signifying the default value. The default value must be part of options’ values.

All other widget and start() arguments are valid.

🎨 Theme with 'routines.inquire'

value = survey.routines.inquire('Save? ', default = True)
print(f'Answered {value}.')*args, reply=<function _select_reply>, **kwargs)

Use an Select widget.

The default hint shows available controls.

All widget and start() arguments are valid.

🎨 Theme with ''

colors = ('red', 'green', 'blue', 'pink', 'silver', 'magenta')
index ='Pick a color: ', options = colors)
print(f'Answered {index}.')
names = map(''.join, itertools.combinations('AXBYCZ', 3))
index ='Favorite names? ',  options = names,  focus_mark = '~ ',  evade_color = survey.colors.basic('yellow'))
print(f'Answered {index}.')
survey.routines.basket(*args, reply=<function _basket_reply>, **kwargs)

Use an Basket widget.

The default hint shows available controls.

All widget and start() arguments are valid.

🎨 Theme with 'routines.basket'

days = ('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday')
indexes = survey.routines.basket('Favourite days? ', options = days)
print(f'Answered {indexes}.')
names = tuple(map(''.join, itertools.combinations('AXBYCZ', 3)))
def scout(spot):
    index = spot[0]
    name = names[index]
    return not 'C' in name
index = survey.routines.basket('Favorite names? ', options = names, scout = scout,  evade_mark = '__', focus_color = survey.colors.basic('magenta'), positive_mark = 'O ', negative_mark = 'X ')
print(f'Answered {index}.')
survey.routines.datetime(*args, reply=<function _datetime_reply>, **kwargs)

Use an DateTime widget.

All widget and start() arguments are valid.

🎨 Theme with 'routines.datetime'

datetime = survey.routines.datetime('Schedule At: ')
print(f'Answered {datetime}.')
datetime = survey.routines.datetime('Meeting Time: ', attrs = ('hour', 'minute'))
print(f'Answered {datetime}.')
survey.routines.form(*args, reply=<function _form_reply>, **kwargs)

Use an Form widget.

The default hint shows available controls, including of focused widgets.

All widget and start() arguments are valid.

🎨 Theme with 'routines.form'

form = {
    'name': survey.widgets.Input(),
    'price': survey.widgets.Count(),
    'type': survey.widgets.Select(options = ('food', 'stationary', 'tobacco', 'literature'))
data = survey.routines.form('Item Data: ', form = form)


Functions that print to the console with optional sentiment using marks.

survey.printers.text(*values, sep=' ', end='\\n', re=False)

Print a plain value. Works similar to print().

  • values – Used to create the final value by mapping all with str() and concatenating with text.sep.

  • end (str) – Appended to the end of the final value.

  • re (bool) – Whether to return the cursor to the last saved position before printing.*values, mark='!', mark_color=<fg:cyan>, **kwargs)

Print a value denoting information.


Additional arguments are passed to text().

🎨 Theme with

survey.printers.done(*values, mark='✔', mark_color=<fg:green>, **kwargs)

Print a value denoting success.


Additional arguments are passed to text().

🎨 Theme with printers.done.

_images/printers.done-1.png*values, mark='✘', mark_color=<fg:red>, **kwargs)

Print a value denoting failure.


Additional arguments are passed to text().

🎨 Theme with



Classes for printing data that can change over time.

class*args, runes=('|', '/', '—', '\\\\'), **kwargs)

Bases: Graphic

A spinner indicating work of undeterminable size.


runes (List[str]) – The characters to cycle through on every print.

state = None
with = 'Loading ', suffix = lambda self: state, epilogue = 'Done!') as progress:
    for state in (state, ' calculating...', ' molding...', ' redering...'):

🎨 Theme with graphics.SpinProgress.

class, *args, width=50, empty=' ', prefix=<function _get_MultiLineProgress_prefix>, suffix=<function _get_MultiLineProgress_suffix>, prefix_wall='|', suffix_wall='|', **kwargs)

Bases: Graphic

A manager for progress controls.

total = 1600
controls = [, color = survey.colors.basic('blue' ), epilogue = 'done!'),, color = survey.colors.basic('red'  )),, color = survey.colors.basic('green'), epilogue = lambda context: 'dynamic done!')
# lower-index controls take longer to iterate, but speed up as the higher-index controls complete 
with, prefix = 'Loading '):
    for _ in range(total):
        for index, control in enumerate(controls, start = 1):
            if control.value >= total:
            for _ in range(index):

🎨 Theme with graphics.MultiLineProgress

property controls: List[MultiLineProgressControl]

The internal controls.

Can be modified in any way at any time.

class, value=0, runes=('━',), color=None, suffix='{value}/{total}{total_unit} {speed}{speed_unit}/s {remain}', epilogue=None, denominate=None)

Bases: object

A line indicating the progress of work of a certain size.


🎨 Theme with .graphics.MultiLineProgressControl

property total: int | float

The total value.

property value: int | float

The current value.

property init_time

The time spot of the first value.

property last_time

The time spot of the final value.


Move the internal value.


size (Union[int, float]) – The amount to move it by.


Get the current line text.


width (int) – The maximum amount of allowed characters.

Return type:



Get the current info text.

Will be an empty string if the internal deque is empty

Return type:


class, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: MultiLineProgress

A simple line progress with one internal control.


total (Union[int, float]) – The total expected value.

total = 1600
numbers = list(range(total))
for number in, prefix = 'Loading ', epilogue = 'done!'):
total = 1600
numbers = list(range(total))
with, prefix = 'Loading ', epilogue = 'done!') as progress:
    for number in numbers:

🎨 Theme with graphics.LineProgress

classmethod from_iterable(iterable, *args, total=None, count=None, **kwargs)

Yields values from the iterable and displays the progress to completion.


TypeError – The iterable does not implement __len__ and total has not been used.

classmethod from_response(response, *args, **kwargs)

Yields chunks of data as received from the response.


Move the underlying control’s value.


size (Union[int, float]) – Same as MultiLineProgressControl.move.


Combinations of Mutates, Visuals and Handle to create interactive units that can be resolved into expected values.

exception survey.widgets.Abort(text, **info_kwargs)

Bases: InfoErrorMixin, Exception

Raised when an invokation needs to stop. May include a message.

exception survey.widgets.Escape

Bases: Exception

Raised when the users pressed the Esc button.

class survey.widgets.Widget(mutate, visual, callback=None, delegate=None, validate=None, escapable=False)

Bases: object

A team of mutate, handle and visual working together.

property mutate

The underlying mutate.


Get the resolved value.

invoke(event, info)

Invoke the underlying handle.



If delegate is provided and returns False, nothing happens.

sketch(*args, **kwargs)

Get the lines and point used for rendering the widget’s state.

Additional arguments are passed to the underlying Visual.get() method.

Return type:

Optional[Tuple[List[List[str]], Optional[List[int]]]]


The (lines, point) that can be used to draw.

survey.widgets.start(multi_pre, multi_aft, widget, show=None, mark='? ', mark_color=<fg:yellow>, info=None, info_parse=True, hint=None, hint_parse=True, site='body', reply=None)

Start a widget and return its resolve result upon submission.

Parm mark_color:

The color to paint mark with.

class survey.widgets.BaseText(lines, point, multi=False, callback=None, delegate=None, validate=None, escapable=False, funnel_enter=None, funnel_leave=None)

Bases: Widget

Base for text-like widgets.

class survey.widgets.Input(*args, value=auto, index=auto, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseText

A text editor.

It resolves into a str.


Arguments directly passed to super-class:

🎨 Theme with 'widgets.Input'.

class survey.widgets.Numeric(*args, value=auto, decimal=False, zfill=0, invalid_value_message='invalid {name}', **kwargs)

Bases: Input

A text editor that only allows submission with numeric values.

It resolves into a int or float.


Arguments directly passed to super-class:

🎨 Theme with 'widgets.Numeric'.

class survey.widgets.Conceal(*args, rune='*', color=None, **kwargs)

Bases: Input

A text editor that replaces all characters with a rune.

It resolves into a str.


🎨 Theme with 'widgets.Conceal'.

class survey.widgets.AutoSubmit(options, *args, transform=<method 'lower' of 'str' objects>, **kwargs)

Bases: AutoSubmitBase

A text editor that submits upon insertion of a valid option.

Resolves into the respective option.

  • options (List[str]) – The possible options. Attempting to insert a rune that does not lead to an option is forbidden.

  • transform (Optional[Callable[[str], str]]) – Used on all options and the current value when comparing.

Arguments directly passed to super-class:

🎨 Theme with 'widgets.AutoSubmit'.

class survey.widgets.Inquire(*args, options={'n': False, 'y': True}, default=<object object>, **kwargs)

Bases: AutoSubmit

A text editor that submits upon insertion of a valid option.

Resolves into the value of the matching option.

  • options (Dict[str, Any]) – The possible options and their respective values.

  • default (Any) – Used instead when attempting to submit without an option.

Arguments directly passed to super-class:

🎨 Theme with 'widgets.Inquire'.

class survey.widgets.BaseMesh(tiles=auto, point=auto, create=None, search=<function fuzzy>, clean=False, scout=None, rigid=False, focus=False, callback=None, delegate=None, validate=None, escapable=True, funnel_enter=None, funnel_leave=None)

Bases: Widget

A mesh traverser.

class survey.widgets.BaseList(*args, axis=0, tiles=auto, index=0, label=None, view_max=7, focus_color=<fg:cyan>, focus_mark='> ', evade_color=None, evade_mark='  ', fill=True, delimit=None, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseMesh

Base for list-like widgets.

Resolves to a int (the pointed index).


Arguments directly passed to super-class:


For the sake of matching each spot’s index to it’s axis-th value, vertical movement and vision are adjusted so that indexes increment downward instead of upward (which is how BaseMesh behaves normally).

class survey.widgets.Select(*args, options=auto, create=None, Option=<class 'survey._widgets.Input'>, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseList

A single-option selector.


Arguments directly passed to super-class:

Arguments used for Option:

  • value - Set to each option upon creation.

🎨 Theme with 'widgets.Select'.

class survey.widgets.Basket(*args, options=auto, active=auto, positive_mark='[X]', negative_mark='[ ]', Option=<class 'survey._widgets.Input'>, Stamp=<class 'survey._widgets.Select'>, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseList

A multi-item selector.


Arguments directly passed to super-class:

Arguments used for Option:

  • value - Set to each option upon creation.

Arguments used for Stamp:

🎨 Theme with 'widgets.Basket'.

class survey.widgets.Count(*args, value=0, rate=1, decimal=None, convert=None, Numeric=<class 'survey._widgets.Numeric'>, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseList

An editable counter.

Resolves to an int (the pointed value).


Arguments directly passed to super-class:

Arguments used for Numeric:

🎨 Theme with 'widgets.Count'.

class survey.widgets.DateTime(*args, value=None, attrs=('day', 'month', 'year', 'hour', 'minute'), Chron=<class 'survey._widgets.Count'>, date_delimit='/', time_delimit=':', part_delimit=' ', **kwargs)

Bases: BaseList

A datetime picker.

Resolves to datetime.datetime object.


Arguments directly passed to super-class:

Arguments used for Chron:

Arguments used for Chron’s Numeric:

  • zfill - Set to the maximum amount of digits for the respective part.

🎨 Theme with 'widgets.DateTime'.

class survey.widgets.Form(*args, form={}, Field=<class 'survey._widgets.Input'>, delimit=':', **kwargs)

Bases: BaseList

A multi-item form.

  • form – A mapping of field: editable widget pairs.

  • Field – Used to convert form keys to tiles.

  • delimit – Placed between fields and widgets.

Arguments directly passed to super-class:

Arguments used for Field:

  • value - Set to each pair’s field.

  • funnel_leave - Set to a Callable that aligns with others fields and includes delimit.

🎨 Theme with 'widgets.Form'.


Themeing is essentially changing the default values for elligible callables.

Look for the “🎨 Theme with” sections to see which functions are subject to themeing.


Use the theme where applicable. This overrides any subsequent themes.

A theme is a collection of default arguments for specified functions.

with theme.use({'': {'mark_color': colors.basic('magenta')}}):
    with theme.use({'printers.done': {'mark_color': colors.basic('yellow')}}):'example')

On the above example, only the marker of info will be painted magenta.


Get the current theme, with all subsequent values attached to it.


Functions that can be used for changing the way data appears upon printing.

Specifically, they are meant to be passed to funnel_enter or funnel_leave. All text_ funnels can be used for the latter, while anythign else should be used former the former.


Replace every line element.


rune (Union[str, Callable[[str], str]]) – The rune to replace with, or a function that takes the current rune and returns the replacement.

'The quic k brown fox'
'jumps ov|er the lazy dog'
'and fall s on its face'

>>> text_replace('*')

'******** ***********'
'******** *************'
class survey.funnels.JustType

Bases: str, Enum

Denotes the type of alignment.

start = 'start'

left or top

end = 'end'

right or bottom

center = 'center'


survey.funnels.text_min_horizontal(just, size, rune)

Ensure each line is at least of a certain length, aligned accordingly using a rune.

  • just (JustType) – Denotes justification to align with.

  • size (int) – The minimum length of each line.

  • rune (str) – The rune used to fill empty space.

'The quic k brown fox'
'jumps ov|er the lazy dog'
'and fall s on its face'

>>> text_min_horizontal(, 25, ' ')

'   The qu ick brown fox   '
' jumps ov|er the lazy dog '
'  and fal ls on its face  '
survey.funnels.text_min_vertical(just, size, rune)

Ensure there is at least a certain amount of lines, aligned accordingly using a rune.

  • just (JustType) – Denotes justification to align with.

  • size (int) – The minimum amount lines.

  • rune (str) – The rune used to create lines to fill empty space.

'The quic k brown fox'
'jumps ov|er the lazy dog'
'and fall s on its face'

>>> text_min_vertical(JustType.end, 5, '~')

'~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
'~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
'The quic k brown fox    '
'jumps ov|er the lazy dog'
'and fall s on its face  '

Ensure each line is at most a certain size, ensuring the cursor is visible.


size (int) – The maximum length of each line.

'The quic k brown fox'
'jumps ov|er the lazy dog'
'and fall s on its face'

>>> text_max_horizontal(10)

' quic k bro'
'ps ov|er th'
' fall s on '

Ensure there is at most a certain amount of lines, ensuring the cursor is visible.


size (int) – The maximum amount of lines.

'The quic k brown fox'
'jumps ov|er the lazy dog'
'and fall s on its face'

>>> text_max_vertical(1)

'jumps ov|er the lazy dog'

A combination of text_max_horizontal() and text_max_vertical().


get (Callable[[], Tuple[int, int]]) – Should return an iterable with each function’s size on their axis index.

survey.funnels.text_bloat_horizontal(just, size, rune)

Increase each line’s length to a certain size, aligned by an axis using a rune.

  • just (JustType) – Denotes justification to align with.

  • size (int) – The additional length of the longest line, applied as minimum to all.

  • rune (str) – The rune used to fill empty space.

'The quic k brown fox'
'jumps ov|er the lazy dog'
'and fall s on its face'

>>> text_bloat_horizontal(JustType.start, 2, '%')

'The quic k brown fox%%%%%%'
'jumps ov|er the lazy dog%%'
'and fall s on its face%%%%'
survey.funnels.text_bloat_vertical(just, size, rune)

Increase the amount of lines lines to a certain size, aligned by an axis using a rune.

  • just (JustType) – Denotes justification to align with.

  • size (int) – The additional amount lines.

  • rune (str) – The rune used to create lines to fill empty space.

'The quic k brown fox'
'jumps ov|er the lazy dog'
'and fall s on its face'

>>> text_bloat_vertical(, 2, '%')

'%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
'The quic k brown fox'
'jumps ov|er the lazy dog'
'and fall s on its face'
'%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
survey.funnels.text_block(rune_top, rune_bottom, rune_left, rune_right, rune_top_left, rune_top_right, rune_bottom_left, rune_bottom_right)

Surround the lines by overwriting with the respective runes. Any of them can be None to ignore.

'The quic k brown fox'
'jumps ov|er the lazy dog'
'and fall s on its face'

>>> text_block('-', '-', '|', '|', '/', '\', '\', '/')

'|umps ov|er the lazy do|'

Use text_bloat_vertical(, 2, ' ') and text_bloat_horizontal(, 2, ' ') before this to avoid content overwrite.


Paint each rune of each line.


color (str) – The color to paint with.

'The quic k brown fox'
'jumps ov|er the lazy dog'
'and fall s on its face'

>>> text_paint('')

# The same, but in light blue.
survey.funnels.mesh_delegate(function, check=None, aware=False)

Call a function on each tile of the mesh.

survey.funnels.mesh_delimit(axis, text)

Insert text between tiles.

  • axis (int) – The axis considered for the operation.

  • text (str) – The text to insert.


Call a function on each tile of the mesh, with a bool denoting whether it’s the pointed tile prepended in the arguments.


function – The function called.

survey.funnels.mesh_light(focus_color=None, evade_color=None)

Paint the mesh’s tiles depending on whether they are pointed.

survey.funnels.mesh_point(focus_rune, evade_rune)

Prepend a rune to the pointed tile’s first line and another to all others.

All other lines have empty characters prepended to align with the first.

survey.funnels.mesh_max(axis, size)

Ensure there is most of a certain amount of tiles along an certain axis.

  • axis (int) – The axis considered for the operation.

  • size (int) – The maximum amount of tiles.

survey.funnels.mesh_min(axis, size, just=JustType.start, fill=<function <lambda>>)

Ensure there is most of a certain amount of tiles along an certain axis, aligned accordingly by filling with new tiles.

survey.funnels.mesh_grid_fill(tile_just_vertical=JustType.start, tile_rune_vertical=' ', tile_just_horizontal=JustType.start, tile_rune_horizontal=' ', tile_min_vertical=0, tile_min_horizontal=0, push_top=0, push_bottom=0, push_left=0, push_right=0)

Fill missing spots within a square so that all rows and columns align.

For that to happen, tiles may need to grow to adjust for the size of others in each axis.

survey.funnels.mesh_grid(runes={'bottom_left': '└', 'bottom_right': '┘', 'cross': '┼', 'cross_bottom': '┴', 'cross_left': '├', 'cross_right': '┤', 'cross_top': '┬', 'horizontal': '─', 'top_left': '┌', 'top_right': '┐', 'vertical': '│'}, runes_color=<fg:black.lite>, **fill_kwargs)

Turns a mesh into a grid using.

  • runes (Dict[str, str]) – The collection of runes used for drawing around each tile.

  • runes_color (str) – Used to paint all provided grid runes.

Additional arguments get passed to mesh_grid_fill() before the operation.

survey.funnels.mesh_head(axis, get, just=None, skip=0, min=0)

Add headers to the mesh.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which to add headers.

  • get (Callable[[int], List[List[str]]]) – Used as (index) -> lines on each row or column for fetching its header.

  • just (Optional[JustType]) – Denotes justification to align with. Default is left/top.

  • skip (int) – The amount of rows or columns to ignore at the beginning of the operation.

  • min (int) – The minimum amount of headers to be added. Can be used to avoid possible gaps.

mesh_head(0, lambda index: [list(str(index))], min = 10)
# skip is used to prevent adding a header for the headers row.
mesh_head(1, lambda index: [list(str(index))], min = 10, skip = 1)

Flip a mesh’s axis.


axis (int) – The axis to flip.


Insert text between tiles.


text (str) – The text to insert.


Utilities for dealing with ANSI Colors.

Get an ansi style by name.

faint ='faint')

The following styles are available: reset, strong, faint, italic, underline, slow_blink, rapid_blink, reverse, conceal, strike, underline_double, reset_intensity, reset_italic, reset_underline, reset_blink, reset_reverse, reset_conceal, reset_strike, reset_fg_color, reset_bg_color

Return type:


survey.colors.basic(fg=None, bg=None)

Get a basic ansi color by path (4 bit docs).

Return type:


fg_lite_blue = basic('blue.lite')
fg_dark_green = basic('green.dark')
bg_lite_yellow = basic(bg = 'yellow') # .lite can be ommited
bg_dark_red_fg_dark_cyan = basic(fg = 'red.dark', bg = 'cyan.dark')
survey.colors.standard(part, layer='fg')

Get a standard ansi color by value (8 bit docs).

  • part (str) – The color in [0, 255] range.

  • layer (str) – Whether it’s foreground ('fg') or background ('bg').

Return type:


fg_blue = standard(4)
fg_pink = standard(225)
bg_cyan = standard(6, 'bg')
survey.colors.full(part_r, part_g, part_b, layer='fg')

Get a full rgb ansi color by the respective values (224 bit docs).

Parma layer:

Whether it’s foreground ('fg') or background ('bg').

Return type:


fg_steel = full(113, 121, 126)
bg_brick = fill(170, 74, 68, 'bg')


Classes for changing data in-place in ways that emulate commonly-used interfaces.

exception survey.mutates.Error(text, **info_kwargs)

Bases: InfoErrorMixin, Exception

class survey.mutates.Mutate

Bases: ABC

Base class for mutates. They emulate the behavior of common data manipulators.


Get a copy of the current state.


Restore the current state to the one provided.

class survey.mutates.Cursor(point)

Bases: Mutate

A mutate for a point representing a position in space.


point (List[int]) – The manipulating point.

property point: List[int]

The internal point.


Move according to the instructions given.

Each instruction should be of (index, new_coordinate) form.

Return type:


class survey.mutates.Text(lines, point)

Bases: Mutate

A mutate for a block of text and a cursor among it.

property lines: List[List[str]]

The current lines.

property point: List[int]

The current cursor’s point.


Insert text at the current cursor position and move it accordingly.


runes (List[str]) – The runes to insert.


Move the cursor verticaly, wrapping to the max width of the new line as necessary.


size (int) – The amount of lines to move by.


Move the cursor horizontally, wrapping to the next or last line as necessary.


size (int) – The amount of runes to move by.


Delete ahead of the cursor, including newlines.


size (int) – The amount of runes to delete.


Insert a new line under the cursor, cutting the current one as necessary.

class survey.mutates.Mesh(score, scout, rigid, create, clean, tiles, point, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: Mutate

A mutate for a collection of tiles.

property search_point: Tuple[int, int]

The search mutate’s cursor’s point.

Should always be at the end of the search_line.

property search_lines: List[List[str]]

The search mutate’s lines.

Only one line will be in use at any given time.

property search_line: List[str]

The search mutate’s current line.

Tile creation is only possible when this is empty.

property vision: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]]

A mapping of currently visible spots to the real ones they correspond to.

property point: List[int]

The current cursor’s point.

property vis_spot: Tuple[int, int]

The current vision spot. Simply a tuple of point.

property cur_spot: Tuple[int, int]

The current real spot, accounting for vision.

property cur_tile

The current tile.


Attempt to insert a tile.


spot (Tuple[int, int]) – The spot to insert the tile at.

Return type:


If one already exists or gets created, it is returned.


Attempt to delete a tile


spot (Tuple[int, int]) – The spot to delete the tile from.

Return type:


If one exists, it is returned.


Move the cursor to the nearest tile.


direction (int) – The direction to move toward in circular [-90, +180] degrees.

If none exists toward the specified direction, attempt again by wrapping around the other side.


Insert text to the search line, and filter or displace tiles accordingly.


runes (List[str]) – The runes to insert.


Delete from the search line, and filter or displace tiles accordingly.


size (int) – The amount of runes to delete.


Visuals guide the rendering of data in predictible ways.

Classes for transforming specific-structure data into a form that be used by to print to the console while maintaining proper cursor position.

Most accept data structured in similar ways to how it is used in :class`~.mutate.Mutate`s.

class survey.visuals.Visual(get, funnel_enter=None, funnel_leave=None)

Bases: ABC

Base class for transformers of data into lines and point for rendering.

get(enter=True, leave=True)

Fetches and transforms the data.

  • enter (bool) – Whether to use funnel_enter.

  • leave (bool) – Whether to use funnel_leave.

Return type:

Optional[Tuple[List[List[str]], Optional[List[int]]]]


The final lines and point.

class survey.visuals.Text(get, funnel_enter=None, funnel_leave=None)

Bases: Visual

Transforms lines and point into… lines and cursor point.


Use this if (lines, point) are expected to be mutated in-place over their life time.

class survey.visuals.Mesh(get, funnel_enter=None, funnel_leave=None)

Bases: Visual

Transforms mesh tiles and point into lines and cursor point.

  • tiles is {spot: tile, ...}

  • spot is (y, x)

  • tile is (lines, point)

Use this if (tiles, point) are expected to be mutated in-place over their life time.

  • tiles is {spot: get, ...}

  • spot is (y, x)

  • get is like get() and returns (lines, point)

class survey.visuals.Line(get, funnel_enter=None, funnel_leave=None)

Bases: Visual

Transforms a list of tiles and point into lines and cursor point.

  • tiles is [get, ...]

  • get is like get() and return (lines, point)

Use this if (tiles, point) are expected to be mutated in-place over their life time.

  • tiles is [get, ...]

  • get is like get()


Handling incoming events and their information by delegating to functions that can handle them.

class survey.handle.EventType(value)

Bases: str, Enum

Flags whether the event is called back before or after invokation.

exception survey.handle.Abort

Bases: Exception

Can be raised during a callback with EventType.enter to prevent invokation.

class survey.handle.Handle(*args, unsafe=False, callback=None)

Bases: object

Used for holding and calling “control” functions that determine action for each _core.Event.


Add a control.

invoke(event, *args)

Invoke a control if it exists.


The internal tools of the library.

class survey.core.IO(i, o, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseIO

Manages the input and output buffers.

io = IO(sys.stdin, sys.stdout)

with io: 
    rune = io.recv()
    io.send('You pressed ' + rune)
class survey.core.Cursor(intel)

Bases: object

Emulates the on-screen cursor.


Coordinates here are 1-offset indexes, meaning they start from 1. The position of the cursor on the top-left-most of the screen is (1, 1).

Parma intel:

Used for fetching parsed items from input and sending to output.

io = IO(sys.stdin, sys.stdout)
intel = Intel(io)
cursor = Cursor(intel)
location = cursor.locate()
property hidden

A context manager for hiding the cursor.

with cursor.hidden:

Move up. No effect if at the edge of the screen.


size (Optional[int]) – The amount of lines to move by. System default is usually 1.


Move down. No effect if at the edge of the screen.


size (Optional[int]) – The amount of lines to move by. System default is usually 1.


Move left. No effect if at the edge of the screen.


size (Optional[int]) – The amount of lines to move by. System default is usually 1.


Move right. No effect if at the edge of the screen.


size (Optional[int]) – The amount of lines to move by. System default is usually 1.


Move absolutely on line.


x (Optional[int]) – The absolute coordinate to move to. System default is usually 1.


Move up at line start.


size (Optional[int]) – The amount of lines to move by. System default is usually 1.


Move down at line start.


size (Optional[int]) – The amount of lines to move by. System default is usually 1.

move(y=None, x=None)

Move absolutely on screen.

  • y (Optional[int]) – The absolute vertical coordinate to move to. System default is usually 1.

  • x (Optional[int]) – The absolute horizontal coordiante to move to. System default is usually 1.


Clear the screen.


mode (Optional[ClearMode]) – Denotes which part of the screen to clear. System default is usually ClearMode.right.


Erase the line.


mode (Optional[EraseMode]) – Denotes which part of the screen to clear. System default is usually EraseMode.right.


Save the current position. Consequent uses will overwrite previous ones.


Move to the last-saved position. Consequent uses will have the same result.


Become invisible.


Become visible.


Get the current absolute vertical and horizontal coordinates.

Return type:

Tuple[int, int]


(vertical, horizontal)


Get the maximum possible vertical and horizontal coordinates.

Return type:

Tuple[int, int]


(vertical, horizontal)

class survey.core.ClearMode

Bases: IntEnum

Denotes how the cursor clears the screen.

right = 0

Clear all runes right-and-down of the cursor.

left = 1

Clear all runes left-and-up of the cursor.

full = 2

Clear all runes.

extend = 3

Clear all runes and delete scrollback lines.

class survey.core.EraseMode

Bases: IntEnum

Denotes how the cursor erases the line.

right = 0

Erase all visible runes right of the cursor.

left = 1

Erase all visible runes left of the cursor.

full = 2

Erase all visible runes.

class survey.core.Source(callback, intel)

Bases: object

Translates incoming ANSI sequences to events and calls back with relevant information.


Begin listening for events.

class survey.core.Event

Bases: str, Enum

Names for received events.

insert = 'insert'
arrow_left = 'arrow_left'
arrow_right = 'arrow_right'
arrow_up = 'arrow_up'
arrow_down = 'arrow_down'
delete_left = 'delete_left'
delete_right = 'delete_right'
escape = 'escape'
indent = 'indent'
enter = 'enter'
class survey.core.Render(cursor)

Bases: object

Assists with printing text in a predictible way.


In contrast to how Cursor works, point coordinates here are 0-offset indexes.

  • cursor (Cursor) – Used for moving and clearing.

  • intel – Used for sending to the output.

io = IO(sys.stdin, sys.stdout)
intel = Intel(io)
cursor = Cursor(intel)
render = Render(cursor, intel)
# draw "Hello\nWorld" and place cursor between "r" and "l".
render.draw([['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'], ['W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd']], [1, 3])
property cursor: Cursor

The cursor used for positioning the cursor and fetching coordinate information.

property memory: List[int] | None

The last initial cursor position.

draw(lines, point=None, *, clean=True, learn=True)

Draw lines and place the cursor among them.

  • lines (List[List[str]]) – The lines to draw.

  • point (Optional[List[int]]) – The coordiantes among the lines to place the cursor.

  • clean (bool) – Whether to clear the rest of the screen after drawing the lines.

  • learn (bool) – Whether to keep track of the initial cursor position.


Move the cursor to the position it was before drawing.

class survey.core.Screen(render)

Bases: object

Encapsulates the visualization logic.

  • render (Render) – Used for drawing and cursor placement.

  • cursor – Used for hidding the cursor between draws.

print(sketch, re, *, clean=True, learn=True)

Fetch drawing information and use it to print.


The reason a callable is required instead of (lines, point), is to allow the original cursor information to be true on every call.

class survey.core.Handle(intel)

Bases: object

Encapsulates the invokation loop logic.


Start the invokation loop.

This will use Source.listen() until Terminate is raised.


invoke (Callable[[str, Union[Text, Escape, Control, Sequence]], None]) – Used as Source.callback callback.

exception survey.core.Terminate

Bases: Exception

Signals the invokation loop to stop.

class survey.core.Console(handle, screen)

Bases: object

Standardizes interaction with the IO into a wait-receive-invoke loop.

property handle: Handle

The internal handle.

start(sketch, invoke)

Creates an invokation-visualization loop.

  1. sketch is used for the initial print.

  2. invoke is used once input is received.

  3. sketch is used for the updated print.

  4. Repeat from step 2 until handle.Terminate gets raised.

exception survey.core.SkipDraw

Bases: Exception

Signals the invokation loop to not skip drawing for the current turn.


class survey.core.ansi.Text(rune)

Bases: tuple

Non-ANSI text.


Alias for field number 0

class survey.core.ansi.Control(rune)

Bases: tuple

ANSI control code (wiki).


Alias for field number 0

class survey.core.ansi.Escape(rune)

Bases: tuple

ANSI escape sequence (wiki).


Alias for field number 0

class survey.core.ansi.Sequence(rune, args, trail)

Bases: tuple

ANSI control sequence (wiki).


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 2


Parse an incoming series of characters into their ANSI representation.


get (Callable[[], str]) – Used whenever an additional character is needed, may return an empty string.

Return type:

Union[Text, Escape, Control, Sequence]


Encapsulates resulting ANSI information.


Same as parse(), except accepts an iterable.


iterable (Iterable) – Its iter(...).__next__ method is used as parse.get.

Return type:

Union[Text, Escape, Control, Sequence]


Same as in parse().

survey.core.ansi.get_escape(code, *args)

Get the escape sequence of code with args.

Return type:


survey.core.ansi.get_control(code, *args, private=False)

Get the control sequence of code with args.

Return type:
